Friday, October 9, 2020

Rough Drafts: d10 Core Resolution System

I probably run more games for people who have never played a RPG before in their lives than I do for any other type of group, these days, and I’ve found that one of the big stumbling blocks people can have is a sort of overloading-from-the-unknown. Roleplaying is an unnatural enough activity that people’s brains easily overheat with the uncertainty of how everything is supposed to work, and even extremely simple rulesets can be extremely hard to remember.

In an attempt to mitigate this somewhat, I usually start off sessions for new players with this extremely simple rules explanation: “The only mechanic is that you try to imagine what your character would do in this situation, and then you say what they do. If what would happen is obvious, it happens. If it’s uncertain, then I’ll tell you to roll a die and get a certain number or higher in order to succeed. Depending on what the die roll represents, there might be game mechanics that tell the GM what die size/target number to pick, but otherwise you just ask yourself ‘on a scale from 1-10, how likely is this to go wrong?’ and then try to roll over that number on a d10.”

I really like that “on a scale from 1-10” rule. It’s easy to visualize, pretty easy to be fair with, and really gets to the heart of what RPGs are to me--simulating an interesting situation and seeing what kinds of trouble you can get into inside of it. It’s flexible--it works just as well for player-driven actions (“I try to hack the computer”) as it does for stuff beyond player control (“What are the odds it’s raining today?). You can use it as a binary answer (“below is a failure, above is a success”) or as a sort of gradient of results (“on a 1, the worst thing I can think of happens, on a 10 the best thing I can think of happens”). It just lets the dice jump into the game, insert some chaos, and duck out again as elegantly as possible. 

I figure most GMs already do this, to some extent or another. I think it’s useful to label it as a formal mechanic, though.

Here’s my take on a core resolution system that tries to hew as close to that core “on a scale from 1-10” system as possible.

Core Resolution System

Setting Difficulty: Whenever a character tries to do something, decide how likely it is that something would go wrong if an ‘ordinary’ person tried to do that thing on a scale from 1-10. 1 means automatic success, 10 means near-certain failure. They then roll a d10--if they get that number or higher they succeed, otherwise they fail.

Skills: Every character has a list of things they’re good at. These could be anything from “Athletics” to “Smelling out Lies” to “Nursing Small Animals Back To Health”. If they have an even loosely relevant skill they roll the d10 twice and choose the result to use. If they have an extremely relevant skill they roll the d10 three times and pick the result. Freshly made characters should probably have 4-6 skills.

System Commentary

Appropriate Skills: The one-reroll bonus should be given if the character has any skills that are relevant and helpful to what they’re doing, even if the skill is very specific. 

“Athletics” would give 1 reroll to any checks involving running, climbing, swimming, etc. This is a pretty common RPG skill and works more or less as you’ve probably seen before.

“Nursing Small Animals Back To Health” would give 1 reroll in situations where the character is using skills related to nursing small animals--treating simple wounds (even of humans) or illnesses, earning the trust of animals, calming animals & people down with tone & body language, cooking simple but nutritious meals. It would give 2 rerolls when nursing a small animal back to health.

Extra-specific skills, like the nursing animals one, often live in between multiple other more generic skills (in this case, medicine, animal handling, diplomacy, cooking). When deciding if one of these is relevant to a situation, try to imagine when it wouldn’t be useful. “Nursing Small Animals Back To Health” would give no bonus to--advanced medical procedures like surgery, giving orders to or intimidating animals or people, cooking tasty or impressive meals.

Encourage Specific Skills: Note that, even with these restrictions, the hyper-specific skill covers as many 1-die situations (if not more) as the general skill, and also gives a 2-die bonus in some limited situations. This is good and intended--players are encouraged to go specific and creative. It adds more flavor to the character and is just generally all-around more interesting.

“Pole Vaulting” should give a 1-die bonus to basically the same situations “Athletics” does, but also can occasionally grant a 2-die bonus and also says way more about the character.

Ultra-Broad Skills: Skills that are too broad can be rejected by the GM. “Good At Everything” is not a valid skill. If it’s hard to imagine situations where a skill couldn’t be used (“Lucky”, “Doing Things While Angry” when the player gets to decide if the character is angry or not), or if it’s too easy to call on the skill (“Being In A Dungeon” in a dungeon crawling game), it should be limited. If you’ve played other RPGs, you should have a good sense of what a good level of specificity is for a skill. A game that uses this system should include lots of examples.

Skills Don’t Stack: If you have two skills that are both relevant to a roll, you only benefit from one of them.

Analogue Rolls: Die checks don’t strictly need a difficulty rating, based on the situation. The GM should feel free to come up with a range of possible outcomes to a player’s action, loosely assign each to a number, and then use the player’s roll to determine which happens. The player should be able to gain and use rerolls as usual.

I.e.-A reaction roll on running into an orc in a dungeon. On a 1-2 the orc attacks outright, 3-4 the orc demands gold and attacks if not paid, 5-6 the orc demands to know why the players are here, 7-8 the orc doesn’t care about the players, 9-10 the orc has a problem and thinks the players might be able to help.

Relevant And Helpful: Players should only get extra dice to roll when using a skill that is both relevant and helpful. If a player recites a poem while attempting to lift a heavy object, they don’t get an extra roll just from having the “Poetry” skill. Additionally, remember that difficulty levels are set based on how player’s description of their actions--a player who attempts to do a backflip in order to convince the king to spare the life of a prisoner may or may not get their die bonus for their “Doing Backflips” skill, but in either case they are likely to have a much higher difficulty number to hit than a player who appealed to the king’s sense of mercy instead.

Possible Mods

Stats: Each character starts with one or two ‘stats’--extremely broad skills that are going to be relevant to huge swathes of rolls. These might be the types of physical or mental traits that are normally stats in a RPG--“Strong”, “Quick”, “Charming”, “Smart”, or could be more like personality traits--“Methodical”, “Death-Defying”, “Cowardly”. When rolling, a PC can get one extra die to roll if they have a relevant stat (beyond what they get from their normal skills). This makes PCs a good deal stronger (a player doing something they’re good at is likely to be rolling 3-4 dice instead of 2-3), and may be appropriate for more heroic games.

Legendary Skills: Some skills can be marked as ‘legendary’, and grant +1 die when invoked. This allows for a bit more growth in PC ability as they gain levels--getting even better at what they’re already good at--, instead of purely growing ‘sideways’ by gaining new skills.


  • As always with things tagged “Rough Drafts”, these are cocktail napkin notes I’m putting together for future playtesting. At this point, it feels like I have a whole system coming together with these ideas.

  • My hope is that “how likely is this to go wrong on a scale from 1-10” is straightforward and intuitive enough that it erases some of the pervasive feeling of “am I doing it wrong?” that I see from some novice GMs. Trying to figure out what the “actual” DC is of kicking down a wooden door can feel simultaneously very abstract and also like there’s a formal “correct” answer that the GM needs to find. I want to avoid that.

  • I love weird custom write-in skills, but I’m a little worried that they might slow down or derail games with too many arguments over whether a skill “counts” or not. I’ll keep my eyes out for that, and ways to help people agree on rulings.

  • This feels more appropriate for games with relatively slow power creep. There isn’t any big mechanical difference between a brand new character and a ‘high level’ one other than that the ‘high level’ one would probably have more skills. Using the Legendary Skills optional rule might let you have a bit more power creep, but the system isn’t really built to accommodate characters who have radically different abilities at a campaign’s start and end.

  • I’m a little worried that judging difficulty based on how likely it would be for an ‘ordinary’ person to succeed at an action might feel weird--I feel like I might be tempted to subconsciously lower difficulties for characters who are in-narrative skilled at what they’re attempting, even though that’s already accounted for in the extra rolls. I’ll see what kind of framing tools I can add to help with this.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Rough Drafts: Less Lethal Combat

 One obstacle I’m finding with faction-play is that conflicts in RPGs have a nasty tendency to have resolutions that are, to put it euphemistically, final. The default way to resolve a conflict in a game like D&D is to have a fight, and the default resolution of a fight is that one side is completely dead (usually the NPCs). At best, you’ve killed the vast majority of the NPCs, and a few ran away with their lives. It makes repeated dealings with the same NPCs difficult to pull off, and makes good relations with factions a bit all-or-nothing.

Here’s my take on a Wounds system that takes a little bit of that pressure off. It’s made to be graftable onto most systems that use HP, although it’s probably going to work better on ones with relatively quick combat and low HP totals. If I was going to use this system in something like 5e I might try out halving everyone’s HP totals and tweaking some of the numbers here.

Also, I wouldn’t use this in a campaign with a lot of throwaway fights. If those goblins only exist as a road bump on the path to treasure, nobody really cares whether they get defeated with nothing more than a bump on the head, lose a hand, or die. It works best in situations where your opponents are people using force to try to block you from your goals, but where neither side really wants the other dead or is willing to die for their cause. Think territorial goblins trying to make you leave their lands, bandits shaking you down on the highway, city guards who caught you trying to sneak in, or wild beasts looking for an easy meal.

Credits to Into the Odd and Dogs in the Vineyard as primary sources of inspiration.

Less Lethal Combat System

Quick Summary: Whenever an attack brings you to 0hp or less, gain 1+ Wounds and then try to roll over your number of Wounds on a die. If you pass, you shrug the blow off, but if you fail you keep making the same roll again until you pass. The more times you fail, the worse your injury is.

HP: HP is treated more like your stamina/defense and less like health--it’s assumed that attacks against you that don’t reduce you to 0hp don’t actually land in a meaningful way; you parry them, dodge them, they lack the force to penetrate your armor, etc. Hitting 0hp means you’re defenseless--you no longer have the stamina to dodge, parry, etc. Enemies with weak motivations will try to run away once they hit 0hp.

Wounds: Whenever you take damage and are left at 0hp, you gain 1 Wound. Additionally, for each 5hp of damage taken past what was needed to bring you to 0hp you take an additional Wound. You then roll for harm.

Roll for Harm: Try to roll over your number of Wounds on a die. The side of the die depends on how deadly the attack was (see Deadly Attacks table). If you fail, roll again until you succeed. The more failures you get before succeeding, the worse the consequences of the attack are (see Harm Table). Note that some attacks might have alternate harm tables.

Pulled Punches: An attacker can choose to make their attack one less step deadly (increase the Check for Harm die size by one step). This is the norm in most battles that aren’t life or death--if the goal of the NPCs is ‘drive the PCs away’, ‘capture the PCs’, or ‘rough up these strangers who came into my favorite bar and then insulted me’, they typically pull their punches. It’s a good idea to remind your PCs of this at the start of your first few fights using this system.

Healing: A good night’s rest (the type that’s hard to get while camping) will heal 1 Wound. This subsystem probably works best in situations where HP is fairly easy to regain outside of combat but hard to regain in combat.

Deadly Attacks Table

Die Size

Type of Attack


Non-lethal weapons. Punches. Most improvised weapons (pool cues, large sticks, cast iron pans, etc)


Most weapons. Swords, spears, maces, etc.


Especially deadly attacks. Axes, lightning bolts, dragon’s breath, etc.


A cursed sword that rots the flesh it cuts. Hellfire. A chainsaw?

Harm Table

# of Failures


Passed First Time

No effect! You shrug off the attack.

1 Fail

Injured! Roll on the Injury table and gain the corresponding condition. Enemies who aren’t making a desperate last stand will run away at this point.

2 Fails

Knocked Out! You’re unconscious for the duration of the fight. When you wake up roll 1d8--if the result is equal to your Wounds or lower roll on the Injury table.

3 Fails

Dying! You’re unconscious. When you receive medical attention roll 1d8--if the result is equal to your Wounds or lower you have died. If the medical attention is within a round of the attack or if it comes from someone with medical training you can roll twice and pick the better. If it’s both within a round and from someone with medical training, or if you receive magical healing you pass automatically. If an hour passes without medical attention roll twice and pick the worse--if you still pass you wake up.

If you aren’t dead, roll another 1d8. If the result is equal to your wounds or lower roll on the Injury table.

4+ Fails

Instant Death! You die dramatically--your head cut off, your heart run through, your body torn apart. 

Injury Table


Body Part/ Symptom

Base Effects



Movement speed drops to 5’/round



Disadvantage on all attacks or relevant skill checks



Dazed. Can only take one action/round (ie-move OR attack)



Treat your Wounds as 2 higher for all checks.


Trouble Breathing

Can’t go above 0hp



Blinded. Your system probably has a way of handling this



Gain 1 Wound (and roll Harm Table) each round until someone takes an action to bandage you. 2-in-6 chance of bleeding resuming each time you exert yourself or get jostled.



Make a save or run away/refuse to act whenever put in danger



Make a save or attack berserkly whenever provoked/take damage



Whenever you have to choose a target (who to attack, what direction to go, which chalice to take, etc) make a save or pick randomly without realizing it. If attacking, pick target normally and on a fail you target a random person within reach (if melee) or within 10’ of target (if ranged).

Injury Duration Table

Works just like the Harm Table--roll 1d8 and try to beat your Wounds total. Reroll until you pass and count failures. Rolled when you take a 10 minute rest (don't slow down combat by doing it right away).

# of Failures


Passed First Time

Painful, but no real damage. Symptoms end after a 10 minute rest.

1 Fail

Bruised. Heals with a night’s rest.

2 Fails

Sprained. Heals with a week’s rest.

3 Fails

Broken. Heals with 2d4 weeks’ rest.

4+ Fails

Permanent. Will not heal without magical assistance.

Other Rules

  • If you roll max value when Rolling for Harm but still fail, reroll but with two dice instead of one. If you do so, get max value on all dice again, and still don’t roll high enough reroll with three, and so on.

  • If the type of injury an attack would inflict is obvious, just go with that instead of rolling. Some attacks probably inflict injuries not even on the list--maybe a bolt of pure chaos causes mutations instead of injuries.

    • Maybe a centipede’s bite causes nausea on one fail, debilitating vomiting on two fails, and choking on one’s vomit at three fails, and cardiac arrest on four fails. Modify things as desired.

  • While NPCs generally pull their punches by default, this stops being the case very quickly if the PCs don’t do it, too. If the PCs escalate beyond what the situation calls for roll (even unintentionally) morale for their opponents. On a failure they run away/surrender. On a pass they get mad and start fighting seriously. Decapitating someone during a bar fight either ends the bar fight instantly or makes all hell break loose.

  • Characters at 0hp are vulnerable to improvisational fuckery. PCs can declare that they’re doing something before they make their attack, and if the attack lands it does no damage but the fuckery succeeds. This could be kicking them off a cliff, putting them in a headlock, disarming them, putting a blade to their throat, etc.

    • NPCs can also do this. An ogre might grab a 0hp player and hold them hostage. A wyvern might grab a 0hp player and try to fly off with them. A goblin might push a 0hp player in front of a mine cart to cover their retreat (forcing an ally to rescue them rather than chase down the goblin). A huge frog might swallow a 0hp player whole (gain 1 Wound per turn in stomach until rescued). PCs being at 0hp is the GM’s license to get creative in ways that might feel unfair at other times.

  • Most poisons don’t have any immediate effect, but if you get hit with one at 0hp then you gain (potentially multiple) Wounds after the fight ends and must make a Check for Harm. They’re more for making sure your target dies than for winning fights.

    • There are lots of different types of poisons, though. Some work instantly, or after 1d4 rounds, or inflict status effects rather than wounds.

Additional Notes

  • This is my first draft! I’ll come back and write more about this once it’s gotten some playtesting in.

  • It’s not super explicit in the rules, but a huge part of this system is the idea of ‘how much are you willing to risk for your convictions?’. Most enemies will run away or surrender long before they’re actually killed.

    • Enemies without any real conviction will be ‘defeated’ as soon as they hit 0hp. These might be bandits looking for easy money, goblins who don’t like humans showing up in their territory, bullies looking to show some out-of-towners who’s boss, or a tiger looking for prey.

    • Enemies with something to fight for will generally be ‘defeated’ once injured. These might be goblins defending their lair, criminals fighting over territory, soldiers/guards on the job, or a tiger on the edge of starvation.

    • Enemies who are cornered or are making a desperate last stand will only be ‘defeated’ once rendered unconscious. These might be parents trying to buy their children time to escape, brainwashed cultists who have been whipped into a frenzy, or cornered goblins who know the PCs will just kill them anyway if they surrender.

    • ‘Defeated’ enemies will by default retreat to a safe distance and shout encouragement at those still fighting, although obviously different types of enemies will probably act differently depending on the situation.

  • Try not to corner players. Make it possible for them to run or surrender without it just being a TPK every time. The goal is that this system should make it relatively hard to die by surprise, but easy to die if you keep fighting past your limits.

  • Another goal of this system is to flip the players goals from killing their enemies and towards defeating their enemies without killing them.

    • Maybe you have to trespass on gnoll territory to reach the Water Shrine. If you can drive them off without killing any of them they’ll probably forget about you as soon as you leave. If you fireball them into charred corpses you’ve got enemies for life, and you can forget about asking them for help when the Goblin King’s armies come knocking at your door.

    • If you slit the throats of a bunch of guards when you break out of prison to prove your innocence you might be able to prove that you were framed, but you’re still going to be stuck as outlaws for all that murder you did.

  • Part of the fun of this is that things can go wrong on a moment’s notice. With bad enough rolling, a single punch can make a character fall badly and fatally break their skull. Let shit go off the rails when these things happen. The dice are just taking your adventure in an unexpected new direction.

  • Don’t slow down the game with a bunch of rolling on the injury table/etc for NPCs if they’re not going to try to keep fighting through it. If these are NPCs you’re going to have repeated relationships with then you can just roll a die or two after the fight to get a sense of how many of those goblins should show up to next week’s diplomatic meeting wearing eyepatches or holding crutches (or not showing up at all).

  • This system probably wants a custom morale system to pair with it--it already touches on morale in some places, and so weaving it into a bigger picture would probably help. This has already gotten pretty huge, though, so maybe not today.

  • I’m pretty sure my next RPG project is going to be a game about adventurer-diplomat-naturalists.